What exactly are Home Care Packages?
A Home Care Package provides government-funded services that can help you stay at home for extended periods of time while also giving you options and flexibility in how the care and assistance is delivered. Personal or domestic assistance, food and nursing services, medication supervision, transportation, house maintenance, and mobility equipment are all examples of services.
Home Care Packages are available in four levels, ranging from basic care needs to high care needs. Services are tailored to your specific need, allowing you to choose the type of care you receive, how it is given, and who provides it.
Home Care packages is a government subsidy makes it much easier for elderly people to benefit from this program because they don’t need to pay for it completely themselves. This means that the home care package’s cost is shared between you and the government. Costs and fees in the Aged Care sector can be a minefield! There are so many different types and structures of fees – some are set by the government; others are decided by your chosen provider; some are optional and some are compulsory. Some fees come out of your home care package and some will come out of your own pocket. And, not everyone needs to pay government fees, and not all providers will charge the same types or amount of fees. The home care package programme is designed to help people continue living at home independently and safely. The goal is to provide the care and support you need in your own home so you can stay there comfortably. The aim of the home care package program is to increase their independence at home and in the community.
There are some fees under the home care packages such as a government fee: the income-tested fee. If you can afford it, the government expects you to contribute to the costs of your care. There is an income test that deems how much you need to contribute. Centrelink will assess your income through an Income Tested Fee form and send you a letter outlining how much you will need to contribute towards the cost of your care.
If you are a full pensioner, you do not have to pay this. For those who are not on a full pension, your income will be assessed by Centrelink. Based on the amount you earn per annum; you will be charged an out-of-pocket fee. As a part-pensioner, this amount will never exceed $5,667.73 per annum. This out-of-pocket amount does not get paid to the government, it goes directly into your Home Care Package and is used towards your care.
Providers may ask home care package consume to pay a basic daily fee – but a lot of providers actually waive it! This fee is not subject to the consumer’s income or assets. The amount is set by the government and is always the same: it is a maximum of $10.85 per day, or 17.5% of the pension rate. This amount is subject to change any time the pension amount is adjusted (20 March and 20 September each year). (Kare Seniors will not charge the basic daily fee).
Home Care Support
We can help you live independently in your own home by providing dedicated home care and support. It is the peace of mind you require to ensure that your everyday life continues happily, safely, and connectedly in the place where you feel most at ease, your home. We will work with you to assess your requirements and priorities, and then customise individualised home care services to match those needs as they change. We will encourage your independence, appreciate your unique tale, and treat your life with the dignity it deserves.
Independence is essential for all of us, and the longer you or a loved one can enjoy the security and comfort of your own home, the better. Perhaps you are having difficulty with regular duties, or you have suffered an unexpected injury and require assistance to manage at home.
You can receive services from a variety of sources, but we’re here to make things easier for you. We think that everyone deserves simple, personalised, and stress-free home care. We design your care around you, giving you the power to make choices and decisions about your life that will help you achieve your goals, no matter how big or small they may be. We are here to assist you with anything you require, whether it be personal care or sustaining community connection.
These services help older persons stay at home by providing assistance and upkeep. personal care (showering and dressing aid), domestic Assistance, purchasing mobility equipment , shopping and meal assistance, allied health services, nursing care, companionship, and transportation assistance are examples of home care service types.
Kare Seniors presently offers a wide range of Home Care Packages in Melbourne and Sydney, including: Domestic aid includes cleaning, grocery shopping, and bill-paying support. Personal care: support with showering and clothing, which may be continuing or following hospitalisation; community transportation: to medical appointments and social events;
Health care assistance: blister packs, distribution, and nursing supervision